Web 2.0 link building Web 2.0 sites are a high 'PR' website it’s page rank at list up to 4 above. 
1 ‘web 2.0’ site is better than thousand of low ‘PR’ site because most of the people wanted to visit to web 2.0 sites. So it is better to link building to web 2.0 sites Some list of web 2.0 sites:

1 . www.wikipedia.org
2 . www.squidolense.com
3 . www.quizilla.com 
4 . www.reddit.com
5 . www.knol.com
6 . www.blogger.com 
7 . www.hubpages.com
8 . Facebook fan face 
9 . www.weebly.com
10. www.youtube.com

11 . www.tumble.com
12. www.xmga.com 
13 . Twitter
14 . Craigslist 
15. WordPress 
16 . Flickr 
17. Photobucket 
18. www.yelp.com 

Basic step of link building:
step-1 First log in the website such as 
step-2 Click create new page then fill up the article body by our creative article

step -3 Create the anchor text from anchor text box Then click on save 

step -4 Fill up the capcha code then click save page/submit.

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the effect can influence the decline in ranking in the search engines Google , or maybe this is a transitional period blogs / web as a result of the Google attacks "Humminng Bir d" sudden. dofollow backlinks

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